openrouteservice R package provides easy access to the openrouteservice (ORS) API from R. It allows you to painlessly consume the following services:
By using this package, you agree to the ORS terms and conditions.
The latest release version can be readily obtained from CRAN via a call to
For running the current development version from GitHub it is recommended to use pak, as it handles the installation of all the necessary packages and their system dependencies automatically.
In order to start using ORS services you first need to set up your
personal API key, which you can get for free. Once
you are signed up, go to ->
. At the bottom of the page you can request a free
token (name can be anything).
This will save the key in the default keyring of your system
credential store. Once the key is defined, it persists in the keyring
store of the operating system. This means that it survives beyond the
termination of the R session, so you don’t need to set it again each
time you start a new R session. To retrieve the key just call
without the key
Alternatively, they key can be provided in the environment variable
. The value from the environment variable takes
precedence over the former approach allowing to bypass the keyring
interfaces the ORS directions service
to compute routes between given coordinates
coordinates <- list(c(8.34234, 48.23424), c(8.34423, 48.26424))
x <- ors_directions(coordinates)
Way points can be provided as a list of coordinate pairs
c(lon, lat)
, or a 2-column matrix-like object such as a
data frame.
The response formatting defaults to geoJSON which allows to easily visualize it with e.g. leaflet.
Other output formats, such as GPX, can be specified in the argument
. Note that plain JSON response returns the geometry
as Google’s
encoded polyline,
so an additional postprocessing step might be necessary.
The API offers a wide range of profile
s for multiple
modes of transport, such as: car, heavy vehicle, different bicycle
types, walking, hiking and wheelchair. These can be listed with
Each of these modes uses a carefully compiled street network to suite the profiles requirements.
x <- ors_directions(coordinates, profile="cycling-mountain")
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addGeoJSON(x, fill=FALSE) %>%
Any optional query
parameters can be specified by providing them as additional
arguments to ors_directions
. For example,
in order to plot the elevation profile of a route colored by steepness
use elevation = TRUE
to add height to the coordinates of
the points along the route and query for steepness in
x <- ors_directions(coordinates, profile = "cycling-mountain", elevation = TRUE,
extra_info = "steepness", output = "sf")
height <- st_geometry(x)[[1]][, 3]
Here we use simple
features output for the sake of easy postprocessing which includes
finding the length of individual route segments and their distance
relative to the starting point. These can be computed with
upon converting the LINESTRING
to a list of POINT
points <- st_cast(st_geometry(x), "POINT")
n <- length(points)
segments <- cumsum(st_distance(points[-n], points[-1], by_element = TRUE))
while their steepness can be extracted from the requested metadata.
steepness <- x$extras$steepness$values
steepness <- rep(steepness[,3], steepness[,2]-steepness[,1])
steepness <- factor(steepness, -5:5)
palette = setNames(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu")), levels(steepness))
For the final plot we use ggplot2 in combinations with units which supports handling of length units associated with the data.
units(height) <- as_units("m")
df <- data.frame(x1 = c(set_units(0, "m"), segments[-(n-1)]),
x2 = segments,
y1 = height[-n],
y2 = height[-1],
y_ran = range(height) * c(0.9, 1.1)
n = n-1
df2 = data.frame(x = c(df$x1, df$x2, df$x2, df$x1),
y = c(rep(y_ran[1], 2*n), df$y2, df$y1),
id = 1:n)
ggplot() + theme_bw() +
geom_segment(data = df, aes(x1, y1, xend = x2, yend = y2), linewidth = 1) +
geom_polygon(data = df2, aes(x, y, group = id), fill = "white") +
geom_polygon(data = df2, aes(x, y , group = id, fill = steepness)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(palette, 0.8), drop = FALSE) +
scale_x_units(unit = "km", expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_units(expand = c(0,0), limits = y_ran) +
labs(x = "Distance", y = "Height")
Advanced options
are natively formatted as JSON objects,
but can be passed as their R list representation.
polygon = list(
type = "Polygon",
coordinates = list(
c(8.330469, 48.261570),
c(8.339052, 48.261570),
c(8.339052, 48.258227),
c(8.330469, 48.258227),
c(8.330469, 48.261570)
properties = ""
options <- list(
avoid_polygons = polygon
x <- ors_directions(coordinates, profile="cycling-mountain", options=options)
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addGeoJSON(polygon, color="#F00") %>%
addGeoJSON(x, fill=FALSE) %>%
Reachability has become a crucial component for many businesses from
all different kinds of domains. ors_isochrones()
helps you
to determine which areas can be reached from certain location(s) in a
given time or travel distance. The reachability areas are returned as
contours of polygons. Next to the range
provided in seconds
or meters you may as well specify the corresponding
s. The list of optional arguments to
is similar as to
# embed data in the output file
mapviewOptions(fgb = FALSE)
coordinates <- data.frame(lon = c(8.34234, 8.34234), lat = c(48.23424, 49.23424))
## 30 minutes range split into 10 minute intervals
res <- ors_isochrones(coordinates, range = 1800, interval = 600, output = "sf")
values <- levels(factor(res$value))
ranges <- split(res, values)
ranges <- ranges[rev(values)]
names(ranges) <- sprintf("%s min", as.numeric(names(ranges))/60)
mapview(ranges, alpha.regions = 0.2, homebutton = FALSE, legend = FALSE)
Here we have used sf
output for the sake of some further
postprocessing and visualization. By grouping the isochrones according
to ranges we gain the ability of toggling individual ranges when
displayed in mapview. Another
option could be to group by locations. The following example illustrates
a possible approach to applying a custom color palette to the
non-overlapping parts of isochrones.
locations = split(res, res$group_index)
locations <- lapply(locations, function(loc) {
g <- st_geometry(loc)
g[-which.min(values)] <- st_sfc(Map(st_difference,
g[match(values[-which.min(values)], loc$value)],
g[match(values[-which.max(values)], loc$value)]))
st_geometry(loc) <- g
isochrones <- unsplit(locations, res$group_index)
pal <- setNames(heat.colors(length(values)), values)
mapview(isochrones, zcol = "value", col = pal, col.regions = pal,
alpha.regions = 0.5, homebutton = FALSE)
One to many, many to many or many to one: ors_matrix()
allows you to obtain aggregated time and distance information between a
set of locations (origins and destinations). Unlike
it does not return detailed route
information. But you may still specify the transportation mode and
compute routes which adhere to certain restrictions, such as avoiding
specific road types or object characteristics.
coordinates <- list(
c(9.970093, 48.477473),
c(9.207916, 49.153868),
c(37.573242, 55.801281),
# query for duration and distance in km
res <- ors_matrix(coordinates, metrics = c("duration", "distance"), units = "km")
# duration in hours
(res$durations / 3600) %>% round(1)
# distance in km
res$distances %>% round
transforms a description of a location
provided in query
, such as the place’s name, street address
or postal code, into a normalized description of the location with a
point geometry. Additionally, it offers reverse geocoding which does
exactly the opposite: It returns the next enclosing object which
surrounds the coordinates of the given location
. To obtain
more relevant results you may also set a radius of tolerance around the
requested coordinates.
## locations of Heidelberg around the globe
x <- ors_geocode("Heidelberg")
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addGeoJSON(x) %>%
## set the number of results returned
x <- ors_geocode("Heidelberg", size = 1)
## search within a particular country
x <- ors_geocode("Heidelberg", = "DE")
## structured geocoding
x <- ors_geocode(list(locality="Heidelberg", county="Heidelberg"))
## reverse geocoding
location <- x$features[[1L]]$geometry$coordinates
y <- ors_geocode(location = location, layers = "locality", size = 1)
This service allows you to find places of interest around or within
given geographic coordinates. You may search for given features around a
point, path or even within a polygon specified in geometry
To list all the available POI categories use
geometry <- list(
geojson = list(
type = "Point",
coordinates = c(8.8034, 53.0756)
buffer = 500
request = 'pois',
geometry = geometry,
limit = 2000,
sortby = "distance",
filters = list(
category_ids = 488,
wheelchair = "yes"
output = "sf"
You can gather statistics on the amount of certain POIs in an area by
using request='stats'
Given a point or line geometry you can use ors_elevation
to query for its elevation.
The optimization endpoint solves the vehicle routing problem (VRP) of finding an optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to traverse in order to deliver to a given set of locations. The service is based on Vroom and can be used to schedule multiple vehicles and jobs respecting time windows, capacities and required skills. VRP generalizes the classic traveling salesman problem of finding the fastest or shortest possible route that visits a given list of locations.
The following example involves a 2-vehicle fleet carrying out deliveries across 6 locations.
home_base <- data.frame(lon = 2.370658, lat = 48.721666)
vehicles = vehicles(
id = 1:2,
profile = "driving-car",
start = home_base,
end = home_base,
capacity = 4,
skills = list(c(1, 14), c(2, 14)),
time_window = c(28800, 43200)
Both vehicles
share the
points and have the same
, but differ in the set of skills
assigned. We are interested in using them to serve a number of
with certain skills
requirements between
. These skills are mandatory, which means a given
job can only be served by a vehicle that has all its required
locations <- list(
c(1.98806, 48.705),
c(2.03655, 48.61128),
c(2.39719, 49.07611),
c(2.41808, 49.22619),
c(2.28325, 48.5958),
c(2.89357, 48.90736)
jobs = jobs(
id = 1:6,
service = 300,
amount = 1,
location = locations,
skills = list(1, 1, 2, 2, 14, 14)
The helper functions vehicles
and jobs
produce data.frame
s which have the format appropriate for
. Route geometries are enabled by setting
the corresponding flag in options
The geometries are returned as Google’s encoded polylines, so for visualization in leaflet they need to be decoded. Furthermore, we extract the job locations from the response such that we can label them in the order in which they are visited along the routes.
lapply(res$routes, with, {
geometry = googlePolylines::decode(geometry)[[1L]],
locations = lapply(steps, with, if (type=="job") location) %>%, .) %>% data.frame %>% setNames(c("lon", "lat"))
}) -> routes
## Helper function to add a list of routes and their ordered waypoints
addRoutes <- function(map, routes, colors) {
routes <- mapply(c, routes, color = colors, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
f <- function (map, route) {
with(route, {
labels <- sprintf("<b>%s</b>", 1:nrow(locations))
markers <- awesomeIcons(markerColor = color, text = labels, fontFamily = "arial")
map %>%
addPolylines(data = geometry, lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat, col = ~color) %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(data = locations, lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat, icon = markers)
Reduce(f, routes, map)
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(data = home_base, icon = awesomeIcons("home")) %>%
addRoutes(routes, c("purple", "green"))